Friday, July 9, 2010


So we just got news back from the bank that we cant get enough equity out of our house to add on so now we are approved for a loan but cant do anything till this house is sold (not going to happen) and cant get any money to add on so really we are stuck, Dan and I are being a little religious and decided there is a reason we are supposed to be in this house but its still very frustrating!!!! So we right now we are just going to slowly remodle and make it nice untill maybe the economy picks up!!!

1 comment:

Jared & Tracee said...

Sorry to hear that! That is a bummer! I wish that the bank could come and see how badly you need a bigger house, and base your loans on that! Wouldn't that be nice?!

Sorry, trying to still figure out my Blog but ya, these are pictures of our finally finished kitchen
I dont know if you noticed but Dan moved the oven over to that corner and I think It looks soo much better there!!