Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A little older picture but I love it

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just a little update!!

Yes Im horrible at keeping up on this!! But Dans knee is finally to where he can walk on it but is still fighting with workmans comp to cover the surgery!! We are fostering three little kittens and I have loved it! We officially took the for sale sign down and have decided that this is where we need to be for now!!! Im ok with it really! We are putting up a big shop in the back and buying some horse property so thats all we need right now!!! Anyway I figured out how to post pictures with my computer so I will try to post some when I get some time :-(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dans Darn Knee!!!

We are in the middle of two computers so i never have time to post pictures on this site, sorry, So Dan had his knee scoped like 4 years ago and has been doing good except lately he cant even put any weight on it! So we found out he has to have it scoped again to see how much of a major surgery he will have to go through! He most likely will have to have a Maniscus ( dont know how to spell that) transplant from a donor, Kinda wierd, Dan doesnt like the idea of having some dead persons part of their knee in him but if it helps it will be good! Luckily (hopefully) this is still covered by workmans comp, so once they have that all figured out he could go into his first surgery this week!! So Im worried about it and he is definatly stressed about it too!! So any prayers that you could send his way would be great!!!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010


So we just got news back from the bank that we cant get enough equity out of our house to add on so now we are approved for a loan but cant do anything till this house is sold (not going to happen) and cant get any money to add on so really we are stuck, Dan and I are being a little religious and decided there is a reason we are supposed to be in this house but its still very frustrating!!!! So we right now we are just going to slowly remodle and make it nice untill maybe the economy picks up!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


So our house is NOT selling, of course!!!! So now we are going to refinance and make an addition and stick with our original plans to add on, we knew the house was small when we bought it and this way our payments will stay about the same! YAY so we can get other things too like new cars and trucks, and go on vacations, instead of just being able to buy a new house and thats it!! What do you think???

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kayla is seven!!!

I am getting ready for Kaylas seventh birthday party, I feel like Im in a warp zone my kids are getting so old so fast!!!! We are going to a park for her party and I am praying the weather holds up bc I dont have a back up plan and my house is WAY too small for the amount of people we invited!!! The weather will be fantastic (just being positive)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

update on this!

So our stupid computer got a virus and its so hard for me, I never thought I would have used the internet as much as I did until i dont have it! So I can use the computers at work but they have blocked facebook so i can only update on my blog for now! I am loving the nice weather, Its about time, I have so many hikes and parks i like to go to!! And as you all know im so frustrated with our small house, more now lately for some reason, so its nice to have the wide open spaces outside! Kaden has his track meet on Monday and I cant wait to see how he does!!! Well gotta go back to work!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Annoyed with our small house!!

We need a bigger house SSSOOO bad, We have so many neighbor kids that come play and I dont mind but there is just not enough room!! This picture was around 8 of the usual kids that come around and when they opened a package of chips I decided to time how long it took to devour the whole pack and it was exactly 5 minutes 45 seconds with one of the kids even licking the inside of the bag!! It was like they were a starved pack of dogs or something!

Just another reason we need a bigger house!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another finished project!

Yay its done!

We are finally finished with the kids room!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

This is an Awesome picture of Mindy and I practicing that Kaden took!

Mindy is having a family show to preform their winterguard show for the last time and then the kids have made up their own routines that they will show that night also. Mindy kinda wanted to do one too and she first wanted just her and I to do it but we found out that our mom had taught flags for 18 years but never preformed herself!! So she is doing it with us and we are so excited, we are preforming it to -Your mama dont dance and your daddy dont rock and roll-!Here are some pictures of us trying to make up the routine! I can just imagine if Tracee were here she would be in this line too!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Kaylas friend came running over out of breathe to tell me that Kayla got hurt so I ran over (I was even in my track pants)to where Kayla was She was crying and she was sitting on top of the monkey bars and here I thought she hit her head or something and I got her to calm down and she said she had a sliver, What the Drama Queen! So I told her we need to go get the tweezers becuase actually it was a pretty big sliver and she was like "No I want Gina (my friend across the street) to do it!!"Here I am in the medical field and she doesnt want me to do it!!! I dont know if I should feel bad or not!!! Anyway this picture is after we got it out so its kinda hard to see!

These are some of the friends that "saved" her.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ater last nights competition I realized like I posted on my facebook that as much as I would LOVE to teach Winterguard again I refuse becuase of the judges, I understand not everyone can win but these Advisors (including my twin) put there heart and souls into these things but becuase they dont have the resources (like the rich schools) what chance do they really have!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am just wishing everyone a GREAT day

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thank you Tracee, Do you like this background?

Monday, January 25, 2010

I need help

I had my blog perfect but I found a cuter bachground that I liked better and now when I try to put the new one on it just puts the code not the background, any suggestions??

Sunday, January 24, 2010

These are picture of our finally 100% finished kitchen!!!
Hello everyone, I finally am considering myself as a blogger!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I really need to figure this out, Blogs are so much cuter than facebook!!

Sorry, trying to still figure out my Blog but ya, these are pictures of our finally finished kitchen
I dont know if you noticed but Dan moved the oven over to that corner and I think It looks soo much better there!!